Radio Frequency Engineering

Radio Frequency (RF) Technologies

Radio Frequency (RF) Technologies
Almost 21% question associated with Radio Frequency (RF) Technologies. RF Technologies includes the flowing subsection:
1.1 RF Fundamentals.

1.1.1 Define and explain the basic concept of RF behavior.
1.2 RF mathematics.

1.2.1 Understand and apply the basic components of RF mathematics.
1.3 RF signal and antenna concept.

1.3.1 Identify RF signal characteristics, the application of basic RF antenna concept, and the implementation of solutions that require RF antennas.
1.3.2 Explain the application of basic RF antenna types and identify their basic attributes, purpose, and function.
1.3.3 Describe the proper locations and methods for installing RF antennas.
1.4 RF Antenna Accessories.

1.4.1 Identify the use of the flowing wireless LAN accessories and explain how to select and install them for optimal performance within FCC regulation.

CWNA Examination Syllabus

  • 802.11 Regulation and Standards.

  • 802.11 Protocols and devices.

  • 802.11 Network Implementation.

  • 802.11 Network Security.

  • 802.11 RF Site Surveying.